Wednesday, December 28, 2011

As the New Year approaches, we continue the extra 10% off everything sale for our clients. No coupon codes needed. We offer a wide variety of products in addition to the ones that show up on the Featured page. For a full list of products, please visit the All Products link in the category boxes to the left on the Home Page.

To avoid colds, flus and allergy symptoms, check out Thymic Protein A on the site. Its packets help to balance the immune system, allowing the immune system to function well and to prevent disease, studies show. The thymus starts to shrink at age 3. By the time you reach 50, your body is likely not making any Thymic Protein A, which is why older people are so susceptible to deadly effects of flus, falls, pneumonia, and other illnesses that younger people usually recover from. If you have autoimmune or other health concerns, adding Thymic Protein A to your diet may help to alleviate these problems for a stronger, healthier and longer life.

Eating less meat and animal based products and more plant based foods promote health and wellness.

Dr. Kee offers a full 30 minute consulation for your health, diet or wellness concerns, with a tailor made lifestyle plan just for you.

Have a safe and Happy New Year!

Kee, ND

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Holiday Winter Cleanse & Cheer!

Holiday festivities, rich foods, partying, dehydrating alcoholic beverages, sweets and sodas all contribute to a system that is on overload. To ensure your digestive system is working properly, detoxification and elimination are suggested. Our liver cleansing, toning and healing detox, plus blood purifying holy basil and cleansing herbal tea will help to remove stagnation, improve absorption and purify blood and lymph to help ensure the immune system is balanced and functioning properly.

I recommend cleansing every season, or at least four times per year. Now that Thanksgiving is behind up and more holidays and holy days are upon us, this is the perfect time to cleanse, purify, reflect, meditate and pamper your body, inside and out.

Vitiligo Herbal Body Butter Kit provides the benefits of both vitiligo cream and boosting oil, along with a lymph moving, blood circulating dry brush and skin scrub to give your skin a healthful glow and plenty of nourishment to keep it hydrated in dry winter months, as well as to promote healthy pigmented skin.

Drinking plenty of mineral rich water and healthful herbal teas this holiday season will help to ensure your body is alkaline and to encourage a balanced immune system.

Cheers this holiday season and best wishes for healthy, mono-toned skin, free of blemishes and vitiligo.

Kee, ND

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Post Thanksgiving Bloat

If you've stuffed yourself with all the delicious foods of Thanksgiving and need a good cleanse, our Liver Detox Kit has herbs, nutrients and liver cleansing and toning effects to ensure you digest that foods, get rid of the bloat and improve absorption and digestion.
Samples of store wide savings with extra 10% off (no coupon code needed).

Vitiligo Herbal Skin Cream
$75.00 $59.99
Sale: $53.99
Save: 28% off
Autographed Book & Vitiligo Herbal Skin Cream 200 ml
$94.99 $73.99
Sale: $66.59
Save: 30% off
Vitiligo Skin Cream 3 pack 600ml
$224.99 $177.99
Sale: $160.19
Save: 29% off

Vitiligo Herbal Skin 5 pack 1000 ml *Medium Flat Rate Box
$374.99 $249.99
Sale: $224.99
Save: 40% off
Vitiligo Pigment Boosting Ultimate Starter Kit (Medium Flat Rate Box)
$199.00 $139.99
Sale: $125.99
Save: 37% off
Vitiligo Rapid Re-Pigmenting Kit Special!
$109.99 $99.99
Sale: $89.99
Save: 18% off

HCG Weight Loss Formula with bonus Detoxifying Tea
$69.99 $39.99
Sale: $35.99
Save: 49% off
Vitiligo Pigment Boosting Oil & Skin Cream Kit
$110.00 $79.00
Sale: $71.10
Save: 35% off
Vitiligo Cream, Boosting Oil & Phyllanthus
$119.99 $99.99
Sale: $89.99
Save: 25% off

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

About Us :: - Natural Health & Vitiligo Center

About Us :: - Natural Health & Vitiligo Center: "Wanakee Hill, N.D., leads the field in natural healing for vitiligo, with more than 30 years researching natural therapies for vitligo and consulting on Vitiligo Support & Information Group, or VSIG, for many years.
She is a Traditional Naturopath who holds a Doctor of Naturopathy with high honors from Clayton College of Natural Health.
Wanakee's book, Nutritional Approach to Vitiligo & Other Autoimmune Diseases, is available through online bookstores and on this website.
Wanakee is a member of the American Holistic Health Association

Contact Wanakee @             817-296-2829       or"

'via Blog this'

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Fall-Winter Vitiligo Skin

To ensure continued pigmentation in the fall and winter, I have developed a stronger pigment boosting oil to compliment the vitiligo herbal skin cream. I also encourage the use of the soaps available via, as well as the herbal supplement, picrorrhiza. Continuing an aggressive regimen throughout the fall and winter, including getting outside in the sun daily, will potentially reveal more pigmentation as we head into spring and start revealing more skin.

Fall and winter are very drying to the skin. It is important to ensure vitiligo skin is well hydrated with vitiligo skin cream and boosting oil. Using the proper soaps, which promote healthfy skin, to lower inflammation, nouirish and encourage pigmentation are just as important for fall and winter skin care.

Picrorrhiza, the most important and nutritive herbal for vitiligo, helps to ensure balance on the inside, encouraging proper digestion and helping to encourage pigmentation as it tones the liver and improves gut flora.

Adding the 5ml bottle of boosting oil to the Vitiligo Herbal Skin Cream and shaking well with each use makes it easy to apply both products just after showering every morning and as directed by Dr. Kee.

During the fall and winter months, when skin becomes dehydrated, the stress of dried out skin can and often does encourage pigment loss. Make sure you feed, nourish and hydrate your fall and winter skin with the Fall-Winter Rapid Re-Pigmenting Kit, a healthful diet and plenty of mineral rich, pure water for health, wellness and beautiful, pigmenting skin year round.

For a free 5 minute consultation, contact Dr. Kee via or phone 18172962829

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Vitiligo -- A Nutritional Approach

Vitiligo ranks fifth among autoimmune diseases in this country. Vitiligo is also a genetic disease that is closely related to other autoimmune diseases such as Celiac, lupus, arthritis and multiple sclerosis, research shows. It is often called the Michael Jackson disease – the most famous person to lose his skin color to vitiligo. Vitiligo, like other autoimmune diseases and diseases in general, responds best to nutrition. Studies show nutrition is the most important component in healing, preventing and reversing disease.

A whole foods, plant-based diet is shown to prevent, improve and even reverse autoimmune diseases such as arthritis, diabetes, muscular sclerosis, and in my research, vitiligo. Diets rich in fruits, vegetables, herbs, nuts and seeds trump genetics by turning off the genes that turn on diseases.

Eating a variety of fruits, vegetables, herbs, nuts and seeds encourages healing, often halting the spread of vitiligo while encouraging the return of natural skin color in a disease that mainstream medicine considers incurable.

Whether you or someone you love suffers from an autoimmune disease like vitiligo or rheumatoid arthritis, or a degenerative disease like cancer, or struggle with obesity -- a whole foods, plant-based diet is shown to prevent, heal or halt these diseases.

Make fresh plant-based foods of fruits that are in season, vegetables in every color in the rainbow, fresh seeds such as raw and unsalted pumpkin and sunflower or nuts such as walnuts in their raw and unsalted state, the main foods in your daily meals for perfect health and wellness.

Suggested Reading:

The China Study

Wanakee's Nutritional Approach to Vitiligo & Other Autoimmune Diseases.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Caring for your vitiligo skin

Vitiligo Skin Care
By Dr. Kee

Beautiful skin comes from within. I spend a lot of time educating about the benefits of supplements, sunshine, diet and lifestyle to help vitiligo. Skin is a reflection of your general health. Imbalances on the inside show up on the skin.
A holistic or whole body approach to vitiligo includes caring for your skin beyond applying a topical cream. Think about detoxifying the skin every day, with nutrient-dense soaps, exfoliating scrubs, pigment-producing creams and detoxifying dry brushing.
Dry brushing your skin has so many health benefits, including sloughing off dead skin and debris, increasing circulation and bringing bodily toxins to the skin’s surface. You remove a third of toxins through the skin. Every time you sweat, you are drawing toxins out of your body.
Healthful skin begins with a glass of water upon awakening, which helps to flush out toxins that have settled in overnight. Before showering, take the time to dry brush for health. It only takes about 5 minutes to dry brush your entire body. Going in a clockwise motion, dry brush your hands, arms, shoulders and neck, working in the direction of the heart. Make sure you brush your back, in the same clockwise circular motion toward the heart. Then start on your lower limbs and feet, moving upward from the soles of your feet to the ankles, shins, knees, thighs and buttocks, all in a circular motion. Do not dry brush your face.
After dry brushing, take an invigorating shower with pure and natural soaps that contain healing herbs and essential oils, without artificial colors or additives. Rinse well with water cooler than your bath. Once a week, use a healing body scrub that is rich in mineral salts and essential oils to help restore healthful skin. Once you’ve covered your entire body from the soles of your feet to your neck with an invigorating scrub, rinse with cool water.
While your body is still moist, without drying fully, add healing essential oils and cream to your skin, rubbing in a circular motion while imagining your skin as perfectly healthy and disease or blemish free. Imagine your skin healed and free of vitiligo as you care for your skin. Have a cup of herbal tea to infuse volatile oils, minerals and live enzymes into your pampered, detoxified body. Once you’ve finished with this healing ritual, get dressed and seize the day with confidence, sunshine and grace.
Just for vitiligo, I’ve put together a kit that includes a dry brush, psoralea seed and mineral-rich salt body scrub, a bar of honey & blackseed soap and a 100ml jar of psoralen-rich body butter, infused with Vitiligo Herbal Skin Cream TM Extra Strength and Dr. Kee’s Pigment Boosting Essential Oils.

Available at

Monday, June 6, 2011

Kee's Vitiligo Health Tips (c): Michael D Hill is now President and Director of Ma...

Kee's Vitiligo Health Tips (c): Michael D Hill is now President and Director of Ma...: "Michael D Hill is now President and Director of Marketing and Strategy at The Wellness Well, LLC. The company's rapid growth within the past..."

Michael D Hill is now President and Director of Marketing and Strategy at The Wellness Well, LLC

Michael D Hill is now President and Director of Marketing and Strategy at The Wellness Well, LLC. The company's rapid growth within the past year is due in part to's marketing strategy and Michael's own passion for natural health alternatives. Michael is a great addition to The Wellness Well, LLC in this rapid growth period. I look forward to working closely with Michael as he shares his expertise as we expand to ensure our clients' needs are met. Michael's new role in the company will allow us to continue the very personal service to our clients that defines our practice. Welcome aboard, Michael D. Hill. Wanakee Hill, ND, CEO/Owner, The Wellness Well, LLC.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Kee's Vitiligo Health Tips (c): Natural Health Care Professionals

Kee's Vitiligo Health Tips (c): Natural Health Care Professionals: "Join us on Health Care Professionals Natural Health Care Professional Network -- For Professionals who are already wor..."

Natural Health Care Professionals

Join us on Health Care Professionals
Natural Health Care Professional Network -- For Professionals who are already working in an established natural health related profession -- to promote your business, products or services. We are creating a directory to make referrals, promote health and ...wellness, and to chat with other professionals about the Natural Health Care Industry. Please feel free to invite other health care professionals who are established in a practice or other natural health related career. This group is geared more toward sharing information for those who are already in the natural health field. Topics of discussion are geared more toward nature based products, natural health services and other issues that are specific to those of us who already have practices., develop products, offer services, or work and/or teach in the natural health field. A great place to network and to find products or services we may need to further our careers, chat with colleagues and discuss professional and business type issues effecting our industry and professional growth.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Kee's Vitiligo Health Tips (c): Regaining Color & Keeping It

Kee's Vitiligo Health Tips (c): Regaining Color & Keeping It: "I recommend the complete Pigment Boosting Kit to newcomers to the regimen. It is important to work to balance and calm the immune system,..."

Vitiligo -- Regaining Color & Keeping It

I recommend the complete Pigment Boosting Kit to newcomers to the regimen. It is important to work to balance and calm the immune system, nourish the glands, cleanse and flush the organs, lymph and blood and to enrich the body as well as the skin, with dense nutrients, inside and out.

The pigment boosting kit works as a thorough body cleansing detox on the inside, along with specific cleansing and nourishing soaps for bathing and exfoliating vitiligo skin, as well as the pigment promoting vitiligo herbal skin cream and boosting oil, which all work synergistically to aid in rapid re-pigmentation.

There is also a nourishing and inflammation lowering diet plan, to discourage the immune system from flaring and causing vitiligo to spread.

If you're just starting the regimen, this is our most recommended starter kit, to nourish your body and to encourage pigmentation. Use coupon code: Spring for a special price on this all -inclusive kit.

Regaining color and keeping it requires patience and commitment, but it's well worth the effort.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Kee's Vitiligo Health Tips (c): The Celiac Connection - But we didn't call it that...

Kee's Vitiligo Health Tips (c): The Celiac Connection - But we didn't call it that...: "27 years ago, two naturally oriented MD's removed all grains except rice from my son's diet. He was sick, doped up with steroids and antibio..."

The Celiac Connection - But we didn't call it that back then.

27 years ago, two naturally oriented MD's removed all grains except rice from my son's diet. He was sick, doped up with steroids and antibiotics, and dying. My daughter and grandson cannot tolerate these foods either. Their genetic makeup is pretty much identical. Eczema, asthma, severe allergies, failure to thrive, etc, all tend to improve on a gluten free plan of action. We didn't call it Celiac Disease or gluten intolerance back then, but these two medically trained holistic docs knew thier stuff. They switched my son from cow's milk to goat's milk. I had to stop breastfeeding because I was pregnant with my daughter, and the new pediatrician recommended diet sucked the life out of my son. The simple dietary changes started to reverse diseases that have plagued my family and my husband's family for generations. Later, (mid '80s), a pediatrician in Connecticut did $10,000 in testing on my son and found he was lacking many enzymes needed to break down proteins in many foods. My newborn daughter was exactly the same. Genetics are very much at work here, as I've theorized and supported with research in my support group for decades. Now, there is scientific evidence to prove it, beyond the world of health enthusiasts. An illimination diet is the way to go with autoimmune, degenerative or any disease, because all disease feeds and thrives on inflammation. I not only illiminate gluten foods. I also eliminate high allergy foods such as corn and milk. I always encourage extensive allergy testing for clients as well. My kids/grandson are allergic to all fish/seafood, all nuts, eggs, milk and many environmental allergies. I also encourage and take allergy shots.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Acid Reflux & GERD

Improve Your Digestion and Nutrient Assimilation with 10 Simple Lifestyle Changes

Avoid antacids, especially if you have acid reflux.

Add more fermented foods to your diet, such as apple cider vinegar, organic red wine and brown rice vinegar.

Increase your citrus intake, with lemons and limes in water, tea and in freshly made lemonade, sweetened with grade B maple syrup.

Juice fresh fruits and vegetables daily. The live enzymes help to break down foods and increase nutrient absorption.

Drink aloe vera juice daily, to heal the gut and encourage good digestion.

Increase your intake of helpful bacteria with coconut kefir, fermented cabbage and supplements.

Add bacteria and parasite zapping foods and herbs to your diet, such as walnuts and herbs such as oregano and basil.

Drink pure water between meals, to flush out impurities and increase your metabolism.

Eat fresh salads daily, with dressing made with olive oil, lemon, garlic, cayenne and herbs.

Supplement with holy basil, phyllanthus and picrorrhiza daily, while detoxifying the liver at least twice a year.

You will be amazed at how the acid reflux, bloating, gas, constipation and other digestive related maladies improve with these simple to implement lifestyle changes.

Your overall health will also improve with less taxing on the organs, digestive tract and metabolism, while improving health with better nutrient absorption and assimilation. These changes also help to cleanse the blood and move stagnation in the body.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Sunrooms and Solariums

Sunrooms and Solariums
The Sun’s Healing Powers
Part 3

Modern houses have sunrooms that create a bright place to relax or have breakfast while reading a book.
In Florence Nightingale’s day, sunrooms and solariums were built to nurse people back to health. Ms. Nightingale believed in sunlight and air therapy. She designed hospital rooms to ensure patients got sufficient sunlight and air circulating through the rooms.
These sun filled rooms were in hospitals and clinics that treated deadly diseases with the healing powers of the sun.
People with tuberculosis and other deadly diseases were healing and getting better with air and light treatment, which was pioneered by Naturopath Arnold Rikli.
In the late 1800s, scientists began to take note of how sickness and disease improved with sunlight and fresh air hospital solariums.
Arthur Downes and Thomas Blunt discovered sunlight had anti-bacterial properties in 1877. Robert Koch showed in 1890 that sunlight kills bacteria.
Solariums and sunrooms became common place once these important discoveries proved that sunlight helps to heal disease.
Hospitals, clinics and even houses, were built to let the sunshine in and to circulate fresh air, to encourage health and to kill harmful and deadly bacteria, which led to disease and death.
Once antibiotics were discovered, solariums and sunrooms were no longer as popular. I always encourage clients who live in colder
climates to sit near a brightly lit, sunny window to absorb some sun into their vitiligo areas.
Sunlight encourages pigmentation in those with vitiligo. Its healing vitamin D3 helps to prevent deadly diseases such as tuberculosis,
Muscular Sclerosis, cancers, prostate and ovarian diseases, osteoporosis and heart disease. Sunlight speeds the healing process, and helps
to alleviate and prevent depression, studies show.
Soak up some sun safely.

Hobday, Richard. The Healing Sun. (1993) Findhorn Press: Scotland, UK
F. Kirchfelt and W. Boyle. Nature Doctors. (1994) NCNM Press: Portland, OR

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Vitiligo -- A genetic and autoimmune disease

In the 1990's, I shared information on VSIG showing why vitiligo was more than just a benign, cosmetic disease, as conventional vitiligo experts believed. I shared research which led me to believe that vitilgo was truly an autoimmune disease and that vitiligo was genetic. I also shared information that led me to believe that vitiligo was a disease that was closely related to other more serious autoimmune and degenerative diseases.
I am happy to say, my postings on VSIG sparked a fury that fueled and funded a study that proved that vitiligo is an autoimmune disease and that vitiligo is genetic. Most importantly, this study proved that vitiligo is closely related to other far more serious autoimmune and degenerative diseases.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

HCG Weight loss-YouTube

Kee's Vitiligo Health Tips (c): Children with vitiligo

Kee's Vitiligo Health Tips (c): Children with vitiligo: "Children's bodies heal and repair rapidly. It's so disheartening when parents give up, thinking there's nothing that they can do. Every chil..."

Children with vitiligo

Children's bodies heal and repair rapidly. It's so disheartening when parents give up, thinking there's nothing that they can do. Every child stands a very good chance of living vitiligo free, when given the proper diet and the proper nutrients on the skin. My friend Eric daughter Emily recovered most of her color, (except her feet), through dietary changes, and nutrients directly on the skin. Emily is now a college grad and teacher. A new dot of vitiligo showed up recently. I recommended picrorrhiza when Eric asked for some advice. Emily had fun during her college years and got off her regimen a little, which can encourage spreading. However, she is still a great testament to the healing powers of natural living and nutrients that encourage the body to heal itself.

One mom shared this note with me today via FB:
I have been on the list serv for about 10 years. My daughter L. is now 15 and has vit since she was 4.
L's knees have almost 90% repigmented. I used ALL the remedies from the listserv...vitamin B-12....vitamin baths...painting the white patches with vitamin B-12 and Vit E etc. Her white patches used to run down her shins from the knee and now they are the size of a 50cent piece!

Melanoytes -- Dead or Dormant?

In the 1990's, I upset conventional vitiligo experts when I stated melanocytes were not "dead," as conventional experts believed, but rather, melanocytes were dormant. I had used a B vitamin mixed with olive oil on my skin one night and woke up with a large freckle the next morning. Dead melanocytes don't produce freckles! I'm happy to say, less than a decade later, conventional vitiligo experts proclaimed they had "discovered" that the melanocytes were not dead, but were merely dormant.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Vitiligo Treatment Pioneer

In the 1990's, I encouraged VSIG members with vitiligo to print my research and take it to their dermatologists to ensure their thyroids were tested. I'm so happy to hear from clients that most doctors now readily test for thyroid dysfunction in those with vitiligo. It is so important to look for the root cause of disease. Vitiligo on the skin comes from dysfunction within the system. It is complex, but pioneers such as the late Dr. Benjamin Sieve first realized that vitiligo is a disease that responds to nutrition, and correcting imbalances within the body. He used B vitamin shots to re-pigment vitiligo patients at The University of Berkeley in the 1950's. His research led me to stop my own vitiligo from spreading, and to begin re-pigmenting my skin. Dr. Benjamin Sieve, a true pioneer in healing vitiligo.

Wanakee Hill, ND
Traditional Naturopath, Author and Developer of Vitiligo Herbal Skin Cream, Extra Strength.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Full Spectrum Light, As Nature Intended

In part 2 of the sunshine series, we explore the valid reasons why you should get daily sunshine for health, to fight disease and for life.!blog/blog_posts/view/4d824cb0-f43c-4757-8eec-4036c0a8fa44

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Kee's Vitiligo Health Tips (c): Iodine

Kee's Vitiligo Health Tips (c): Iodine: "For iodine health and self-testing, please read my latest blog available at:!blog/blog_posts/view/4d7fb8d..."

Kee's Vitiligo Health Tips (c): Iodine

Kee's Vitiligo Health Tips (c): Iodine: "For iodine health and self-testing, please read my latest blog available at:!blog/blog_posts/view/4d7fb8d..."


For iodine health and self-testing, please read my latest blog available at:!blog/blog_posts/view/4d7fb8d9-dff0-4786-a6dc-0990c0a8fa44

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Spring Summer Pricing Discounts

Spring and Summer are the optimum seasons to encourage pigmentation. In honor of this exciting time, The Wellness Well is offering bulk discounts for those who have widespread vitiligo. The 1000 ml - 5 pack is specially priced and should last the average vitiligo sufferer through the optimum sunshine months.

The Wellness Well is also offering group discounts to those who want to pool their resources and buy in bulk. There are group discounts for quantities of 10 or 25 of vitiligo herbal skin cream and on our vitiligo kits, as well as the HCG Weight Loss Kits.

Take advantage of these specials all spring and summer long to ensure you regain pigment in the optimum pigmenting seasons.
Check out all the spring/summer specials at

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Kee's Vitiligo Health Tips (c): Spring Summer Pigment Boosting Oil & Cream

Kee's Vitiligo Health Tips (c): Spring Summer Pigment Boosting Oil & Cream: "Now that we're heading into spring, it's time to focus on regaining skin color in optimum conditions. Sunny days, mild temperatures and end..."

Spring Summer Pigment Boosting Oil & Cream

Now that we're heading into spring, it's time to focus on regaining skin color in optimum conditions. Sunny days, mild temperatures and endless outdoor activities and possibilities to expose white vitiligo patches to the healing powers of the sun beckon us to get outside. Early morning sun is less intense and most healing, offering full spectrum UV light therapy and vitramin D3, while encouraging mood lifting chemicals, or endorphins, to circulate in the brain. A calming walk during the important daily sun therapy is highly recommended. Burning fat, releasing toxins and increasing circulation while allowing the Pigment Boosting Oil & Vitiligo Herbal Skin Cream to pentrate deeply into all layers of skin, encouraging melanocytes to awaken and produce color again. The all-natural blend of oils include Ayurvedic, Chinese & Native American herbs are shown to help encourage skin color returning to hypo-pigmented areas.
For more information, visit our website at: and

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Pigmenting Vitiligo

Vitiligo is a stubborn illness that requires an aggressive plan of action, patience, sunshine and lifestyle changes to conquer. In my book, Wanakee's Nutritional Approach to Vitiligo & Other Autoimmune Diseases, I discuss effective methods of caring for vitiligo that include a holistic, or total body program to encourage the return of skin color, no matter how long a client has had the disease. I discuss the internal dysfunctions that go hand in hand with vitiligo, and the nutritional and other lifestyle changes needed to correct imbalances, so that the body can heal.
The Vitiligo Pigment Kit is the most aggressive plan of action for vitiligo. It has herbals that are shown to help improve metabolism, balance the immune system, cleanse the organs, bloods and lymph fluids, while flooding the cells with healing nutrients. In addition to addressing internal dysfunction, the boosting kit encourage skin color returning, directly on the white areas of the body, with a blend of oils that penetrate every level of skin to lower inflammation and to promote color returning, when used in conjunction with Vitiligo Herbal Skin Cream and the regimen outlined in my book.
If you are ready to nourish your body inside and out, so that it is no longer inflamed and attacking your pigment, consider using this aggressive kit and holistic approach to conquering your vitiligo.
Free Detoxifying Fat Flush or Autographed Book with purchase of Vitiligo Pigment Boosting Kit
For a free 10 minute consultation, call Kee, N.D. @ 817 296 2829 or email

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Lose Weight, Feel Great

Lose Weight, Feel Great
Just for Women Kit

Need to drop a few pounds in a couple of weeks to fit those jeans you love?
Try this nourishing Lose Weight, Feel Great Kit that gives the body all the nourishment it needs with the 73 Nutrient vitamin supplement.
The detoxifying Fat Flush Cleanse helps to remove toxins stored in fat, excess water and waste.
The Apple Cider Vinegar Diet included helps to break down carbohydrates, ensuring sugars metabolize properly.
This diet does wonders for those who are gluten intolerant, insulin resistant and/or those who hold water weight.
Take the 2 week challenge. Complete with a diet plan and instructions. A fun 30 minutes of exercise daily
are recommended to help remove an average of 5 pounds quickly and easily.
Best of all, for only $29.99, you’re clearing out toxins that are storing in the fatty tissue of your body, which prohibits weight loss. This Just for Women Kit gives your overworked liver, kidney and pancreas the nutrients needed to flush out toxins, so you’re able to metabolize foods better and encourage further weight loss, after you’ve completed the weight loss kit.

Wanakee Hill, N.D. Traditional Naturopath, Author & Owner of The Wellness Well, LLC Natural Health & Holistic Center 8172962829, phone 9856247986, fax

Friday, January 28, 2011

Kee's Vitiligo Health Tips (c): Eczema - Wanakee's Nutritional Approach

Kee's Vitiligo Health Tips (c): Eczema - Wanakee's Nutritional Approach: "Most skin diseases tend to respond to similar natural therapies that are rich in nourishing vitamins, minerals, enzymes and Omega 3 fatty ac..."

Eczema - Wanakee's Nutritional Approach

Most skin diseases tend to respond to similar natural therapies that are rich in nourishing vitamins, minerals, enzymes and Omega 3 fatty acids. Whenever there is a skin problem such as vitiligo, eczema, psoriasis or acne, I recommend cleansing, purifying, detoxification and replinishing, in addition to topical nutrient based therapy. Skin problems come from within. When a holistic approach is taken to ensure balance, the body is capable of healing itself. My unique perspective with eczema mirrors my life-long challenge with vitiligo. Both of my children have had eczema all of their lives. My grandson has eczema as well. I've spent the last 27 years dealing with this horridly painful and scarring condition that robs its sufferers of their self-esteem and open them upto countless infections through the skin. I learned from some of the leading experts in the world, as well as natural health doctors who recommended lifesaving dietary changes for my children. Life-threatening allergies to seafood, fish, nuts, eggs and mushrooms were contributors to their severe eczema and asthma. I learned helpful remedies from friends who were well versed in natural therapies and my own all-natural discoveries, which helped my children tremendously. Therapies that we now use on my infant grandson with success.Eczema is an autoimmune skin disease that itches and causes people to scratch. Scratching causes the skin to ooze and leaves sores, infections and scars. Scratching itchy eczema can retard development in young children. Often, those with eczema have too much fungus, yeast or candida in their bodies and on their skin. There are usually common allergies to milk products, wheat and other gluten foods, corn and other high-allergy foods such as peanuts. I recommend that any person with eczema get allergy testing and get on allergy shots. Too often, the allergy connection is either overlooked or ignored.Oat baths seem to dry eczema out, making the skin more susceptible to itching, oozing scaling and scarring, in many cases.Bathing in warm water and iodized salt or iodized sea salt seems to help with itching and to encourage healing. Bleach baths kill off bacteria, infection and yeast on the skin, as well as detoxifying, or drawing impurities out of the body through the skin. Though some doctors recommend fewer baths, I've found that my children, and now my grandson, respond best to salt water therapy and/or bleach bath therapy.While the skin is still moist, brush on dots of Eczema Herbal Oil to the entire affected area, then rub into all eczematous skin. A tip I learned from one of only two pediatric dermatologists in the world, a quarter of a century ago.Using a nutrient-rich moisturizing cream or lotion, like Vitiligo Herbal Skin Cream Extra Strength, to seal in the healing herbs and lock in the moisture, should alleviate symptoms and encourage healing.Eczema Herbal Oil contains sesame, hemp, borage, evening primrose, holy basil, st john's wort, calendula and lemon grass oils. The all-natural oil is useful for all skin ailments, including acne, psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, scar tissue, and even surgical wounds.Using all natural soaps that are rich in Omega 3 oils, and healing soaps such as Black Soap, that are shown beneficial to eczema, acne, vitiligo and other skin issues, have served my family and clients well.Avoiding milk products, breads, crackers and pastas made from gluten foods, such as wheat and other Celiac diet related foods helped my children. Also, avoiding Candida friendly foods that contain sugars and molds should be avoided. I recommend a diet rich in fish such as salmon, mackerel, herring and sardines for Omega 3s, if not allergic to these foods, along with brown rice, fruits, vegetables and walnuts, if there are no nut allergies. Supplement recommendations include cleansing herbs such as holy basil, picrorrhiza, phyllanthus and the vitamin, mineral regimen that I include in my book on vitiligo and other autoimmune diseases. Drinking mineral rich, pure water with fresh lemon or fresg lime aids elimination and helps to ensure glowing, healthy skin. Sufficient hydration aids thyroid function, which is imperative to healthful skin, body and mind. Fresh water, herbal teas, kombucha drinks and Emergen -C with water are the recommended drinks.I highly recommend alternating between a candida cleanse and a liver detoxification cleanse for 6 months to remove toxins from the blood, organs, cells and lymph glands of those with eczema or other skin diseases. This regimen has proven helpful to my family and many clients who have followed this protocol. Again, I encourage anyone with eczema to undergo extensive allergy testing. I highly recommend avoiding antihistamines and drugs for allergy symptoms, opting instead for allergy shots, to naturally encourage the immune system to build a tolerance to offending substances. There are so many potential pitfalls for those who suffer from eczema, from hidden allergies to popular phosphate detergents and fragrance infused fabric softeners, that I recommend a consultation to devise a regimen based on each client's individual needs and lifestyle. I offer free phone and email consultations to clients throughout the healing process.
References and Recommended ReadingWanakee's nutritional approach to vitiligo & other autoimmune diseases by Wanakee Hill, N.D.Prescription for nutritional healing by Balch, M.D. & Balch, C.N.C.Detoxification by Linda Page, N.D., Ph.D.
Wanakee Hill, ND
1 817 296 2829
Wanakee Hill, N.D., leads the field in natural healing for vitiligo, with more than 30 years researching natural therapies for vitligo and consulting on VSIG for many years. She is a Traditional Naturopath who holds a Doctor of Naturopathy with high honors. Wanakee's book, Nutritional Approach to Vitiligo & Other Autoimmune Diseases, is available through online bookstores and on her website. Wanakee is a member of the American Holistic Health Association.