Thursday, April 28, 2011

Kee's Vitiligo Health Tips (c): Regaining Color & Keeping It

Kee's Vitiligo Health Tips (c): Regaining Color & Keeping It: "I recommend the complete Pigment Boosting Kit to newcomers to the regimen. It is important to work to balance and calm the immune system,..."

Vitiligo -- Regaining Color & Keeping It

I recommend the complete Pigment Boosting Kit to newcomers to the regimen. It is important to work to balance and calm the immune system, nourish the glands, cleanse and flush the organs, lymph and blood and to enrich the body as well as the skin, with dense nutrients, inside and out.

The pigment boosting kit works as a thorough body cleansing detox on the inside, along with specific cleansing and nourishing soaps for bathing and exfoliating vitiligo skin, as well as the pigment promoting vitiligo herbal skin cream and boosting oil, which all work synergistically to aid in rapid re-pigmentation.

There is also a nourishing and inflammation lowering diet plan, to discourage the immune system from flaring and causing vitiligo to spread.

If you're just starting the regimen, this is our most recommended starter kit, to nourish your body and to encourage pigmentation. Use coupon code: Spring for a special price on this all -inclusive kit.

Regaining color and keeping it requires patience and commitment, but it's well worth the effort.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Kee's Vitiligo Health Tips (c): The Celiac Connection - But we didn't call it that...

Kee's Vitiligo Health Tips (c): The Celiac Connection - But we didn't call it that...: "27 years ago, two naturally oriented MD's removed all grains except rice from my son's diet. He was sick, doped up with steroids and antibio..."

The Celiac Connection - But we didn't call it that back then.

27 years ago, two naturally oriented MD's removed all grains except rice from my son's diet. He was sick, doped up with steroids and antibiotics, and dying. My daughter and grandson cannot tolerate these foods either. Their genetic makeup is pretty much identical. Eczema, asthma, severe allergies, failure to thrive, etc, all tend to improve on a gluten free plan of action. We didn't call it Celiac Disease or gluten intolerance back then, but these two medically trained holistic docs knew thier stuff. They switched my son from cow's milk to goat's milk. I had to stop breastfeeding because I was pregnant with my daughter, and the new pediatrician recommended diet sucked the life out of my son. The simple dietary changes started to reverse diseases that have plagued my family and my husband's family for generations. Later, (mid '80s), a pediatrician in Connecticut did $10,000 in testing on my son and found he was lacking many enzymes needed to break down proteins in many foods. My newborn daughter was exactly the same. Genetics are very much at work here, as I've theorized and supported with research in my support group for decades. Now, there is scientific evidence to prove it, beyond the world of health enthusiasts. An illimination diet is the way to go with autoimmune, degenerative or any disease, because all disease feeds and thrives on inflammation. I not only illiminate gluten foods. I also eliminate high allergy foods such as corn and milk. I always encourage extensive allergy testing for clients as well. My kids/grandson are allergic to all fish/seafood, all nuts, eggs, milk and many environmental allergies. I also encourage and take allergy shots.