Thursday, September 16, 2010

A healing crisis

A healing crisis happens when you're making positive changes inside your body to correct imbalances, remove toxins and disease and cleanse the blood, organs and system. Sometimes, you get worse before you get better.
In the case of vitiligo, I always recommend liver cleansing, diet changes, exercise, sunshine and other natural methods that help to facilitate healing.
In a small number of clients, a healing crisis occurs where they may regress, or start to show new white areas during the initial treatment. I assure them this healing crisis is normal and will pass. It is the body's way of purging toxins, diseases and yes, vitiligo, from the body. The healing crisis most often occurs simultaneously with regaining color. Within a relatively short period of time, the healing crisis passes, and the skin continues to regain its color.
When decongesting the liver, balancing the immune system, eating healthfully and getting plenty of rest, exercise and sunshine to improve health and vitiligo, remember that you may see some signs of a healing crisis. This is not the time to quit. This is the time to continue the regimen so that your natural skin color comes back permanently.
In my book, I offer a step by step guide to how I've dealt with my own vitiligo, in addition to research and feeback for the last 32 years.
For those beginning a new regimen, I recommend the Vitiligo Starter Kit, which includes my book. The book is so important to understanding vitiligo, what causes it, what the latest research shows, and the healthful regimen that helps to stop the spreading and encourage returning natural skin color. Vitiligo is a disease that responds best to nutrition, inside and out.
For those who are already on their way to healing and have read the book, I recommend the Rapid Re-pigmentation Kit, which continues to cleanse, nourish and heal vitiligo, inside and out.
I offer free consultations throughout the healing process to ensure success. Call Kee: 1 817 296 2829 or email me with any questions, concerns or comments.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Stimulating Pigment when vitiligo progress is slow

Vitiligo Newsletter, September 2010
Stimulating Pigment when vitiligo progress is slow
Our bodies go through periods of healing and rest. Sometimes, we may see little to no progress, though we are actively working to regain color. Sometimes, we may see rapid
progress followed by periods of very slow progress. The healing cycle has its ebbs and flows. Learning the patterns of your healing cycle and working with them is one of the tools to encourage pigmentation, even during the slow cycles.
Taking pictures is one of the true ways to gauge success. When you’re looking at your skin every single day, it is hard to see the subtle changes that happen. However, if you’re snapping pictures bi-weekly or monthly, you may notice a lot of changes that are not as apparent when you’re looking at the gradual changes daily.
If you’re working on your skin and not seeing the results you want, I recommend pumping it up. If you’re only using Vitligo Herbal Skin Cream at night when you‘re sleeping, start using it again during the day after showering when the skin is still moist.
Try to get 30 minutes of sunshine or just get outside, even on cloudy or overcast days, with a thin layer of cream on just before sun therapy.
This always works for me. I get into a slow cycle, then pump up the use of the cream and sun exposure to ensure my skin has the outer nutrients it needs to gain color.
Another important part of this equation is to ensure you’re getting enough enzymes, vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients and psoralens in foods. This bathing the inside with vitiligo healing nutrients is equally important as cream on the outside of the skin.
The vitiligo rapid re-pigmenting kit is very useful during times of little or no progress. It helps to stimulate color and it helps to ensure the insides are working to heal the melanocytes as well as to nourish the cleanse the body.
This regimen is easy to implement and will do wonders for your vitiligo. Kee, ND

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Fall/Winter Vitiligo Regimen

Many of us put our skin on the back burner when we get into the fall and winter seasons. These are important seasons for an aggressive vitiligo regimen. Since the sun is not as strong and the layers of clothing make it much more difficult to absorb natural UV light and vitamin D 3, the focus on an aggressive vitiligo regimen becomes even more important.

I recommend the liver cleansing detox as a first line of defense against spreading and regaining color. I also recommend using picrorrhiza daily, along with Vitiligo Herbal Skin Cream morning, afternoon and at night.

This aggressive regimen encourages the cells to continue to heal so that they are capable of producing natural skin color.
It also enables the melanocytes to harness energy from the weaker sunshine that we are absorbing in these colder months.

Eating foods that are heavier would include adding soups to the diet. Pumpkin, squash, carrot, cauliflower, broccoli and other soup recipes for the fruits or vegetables that are harvested in fall and winter months are highly recommended.

This regimen is highly focused on dense nutrition, an aggressive re-pigmenting regimen, detoxification and a bit of meditation where we focus our minds on the white areas of our bodies, and mentally coloring in the white areas with a crayon or pen that is exactly in our natural tone.

Bringing together mind, body and spirit throughout the fall and winter will enable us to unveil newly pigmented skin in the spring, as we peel off the layers of clothing and embrace the natural sunshine that will respond beautifully to all the hard work we've done on our vitiligo all fall and winter long.

I recommend the Rapid Re-pigmenting Kit, Detoxification Kit and daily sunshine, even when it's cold, snowy or overcast, for pigmentation during winter and fall.

Our specials this fall include a free 200ml bottle of vitiligo herbal skin cream when purchasing the Fall/Winter 5 pack. This offer will ensure enough skin cream to last until the early signs of spring! Happy Re-pigmenting!