As the New Year approaches, we continue the extra 10% off everything sale for our clients. No coupon codes needed. We offer a wide variety of products in addition to the ones that show up on the Featured page. For a full list of products, please visit the All Products link in the category boxes to the left on the Home Page.
To avoid colds, flus and allergy symptoms, check out Thymic Protein A on the site. Its packets help to balance the immune system, allowing the immune system to function well and to prevent disease, studies show. The thymus starts to shrink at age 3. By the time you reach 50, your body is likely not making any Thymic Protein A, which is why older people are so susceptible to deadly effects of flus, falls, pneumonia, and other illnesses that younger people usually recover from. If you have autoimmune or other health concerns, adding Thymic Protein A to your diet may help to alleviate these problems for a stronger, healthier and longer life.
Eating less meat and animal based products and more plant based foods promote health and wellness.
Dr. Kee offers a full 30 minute consulation for your health, diet or wellness concerns, with a tailor made lifestyle plan just for you.
Have a safe and Happy New Year!
Kee, ND