Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Vitiligo, Digestion, The Liver, and Malabsorption

People with vitiligo tend to have malfunctioning thyroids and low stomach acid, which leads to liver congestion. Liver congestion leads to mal-absorption, where food breaks down slowly and incompletely, if at all. These sluggish metabolism issues lead to poor digestion which is associated with vitamin, mineral, enzyme and other deficiencies that encourage the spreading of vitiligo and inhibit the healing process.
Cleansing the liver daily with the right foods is beneficial to vitiligo; however, at least twice a year, I recommend a thorough vitiligo healing cleanse:

The Wellness Well Natural Health & Vitiligo Newsletter

Vitiligo Re-Pigmenting Total Body DETOXIFICATION Program

$29.98 for your personalized kit * may not include the kit shown

Detoxification Kit & Cream Special $94.98

Improves digestion and nutrient absorption

Removes toxins, parasites and free radicals that hinder healing

Encourages the immune system to calm down and lowers inflammation

Activates dormant (white) melanocytes, removes congestion in organs, cleanses the blood, lymph fluid, and nourishes cells and tissue to encourage faster healing

Helps to stop the spreading of vitiligo and to encourage pigmentation

Balances the immune system to encourage it to stop attacking the body and start healing the body

Restores good intestinal flora so that nutrients are absorbed properly and to rid the body of deficiencies

Includes a customized Detoxification Kit

*Kit specific to your needs, based on diet history, questionnaire and my recommendations.

Parasite and colon cleansing tea

Wu-Yi Tea

Pre-Cleanse recommendations

Shopping List

Blog Registration and Participation www.thewellnesswell.net/blog/

Free Consultations

Consultations are free throughout the healing process for vitiligo and related programs. 817 296 2829

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Wanakee Hill! Thank you so much for taking the time to share this exciting information.
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