Friday, December 31, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
Holiday Extra Off Savings on every order

I recommend a liver cleansing detox to everyone who has vitiligo, at least twice a year. I'm starting a detox myself and I invite you to join me. I will share recipes and offer encouragement as we go through the 2 week program to cleanse the liver, blood and lymph fluids, while encouraging better absorption and a more efficient metabolism. All for the cost of the detoxifying kit, with no extra charge for email consultations and participation in the online blogging.
If you're on my vitiligo regimen or if you've waited for a great sale to start, our year end pricing will save you extra bucks on the already drastically reduced pricing on the site.
Any order that includes an autographed book gets an extra free gift for list members only.
Holiday Year End Extra Off Sale!
Codes: Holiday, Ten, VSIG for $15, $10, $5 off purchase.
Pigment Boosting Kit Coupon Code Holiday for an extra $15 off
or any purchase of $130 or more
Vitiligo Rapid Re-Pigmenting Kit Coupon Code Ten for an extra $10 off
or any purchase of $75 or more
Vitiligo Herbal Skin Cream Extra Strength Coupon Code: VSIG for an extra $5 off
on any purchase
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
One Product One Name

Wanakee Hill, ND
This product, Vitiligo Herbal Skin Cream Extra Strength, is unique because it is a cream developed by a Traditional Naturopath who has vitiligo.
You get the picture! These many different names for the same oil are a marketing tactic meant to mislead those with vitiligo who are desperately trying to get better.
All these different packages with different names are a very unscrupulous ploy to get you to buy that same oil you tried before, but dressed up as something else.
The Pakistan company’s latest ploy is a white bottle that looks like Vitiligo Herbal Skin Cream. A shortened name from Herbal to Herb, to make consumers think they are getting my product, while claiming it has a “cheap” price.
The “cheap” price bottle is only 100 ml for the price quoted, or half the size of the authentic Vitiligo Herbal Skin Cream. The Wellness Well does not make 100 ml products.
It is a sample sized bottle that does not have enough product to yield any noticeable results for the average person with vitiligo. The product is the same old oil sold as anti this, cure that, go where and now, calling itself this herb!
Don’t let the white bottle with the green top fool you! The name is just 2 letters shy of Vitiligo Herbal Skin cream, but it is nothing more than the same oil, in a small bottle that really isn’t cheap at all for its size.
The Wellness Well has one signature product with one name. A name you can trust. A Traditional Naturopath who takes the time to talk to clients and to work hard to ensure each person gets their coloring back. Vitiligo Herbal Skin Cream is made in the USA of all natural ingredients, in a cGMP approved facility that follows FDA guidelines. The product is quality control tested and proven safe in an American facility.
Vitiligo Herbal Skin Cream Extra Strength is available at
Wanakee Hill, NDTraditional Naturopath, Author & Owner of The Wellness Well, LLCNatural Health & Holistic
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Friday, December 10, 2010
Friday Only Specials
Every Friday we will offer a discount on vitiligo cream and its kits. Today's coupon code is CREAM
You get $15 off any vitiligo herbal skin cream product or kit.
We also offer $10 off any detox kit today, with coupon code 10off
In other news:
The Wellness Well welcomes The Beauty Hospital in Iraq, which will treat vitiligo with Wanakee's Naturopathics vitiligo products and the Pigment Boosting Kit. created a new video, The Faces of Vitiligo.
Check it out:
Vitiligo Fall Winter Pigment Boosting Kit is on sale with an additional 3% off in December. Use the coupon code: Cream for an extra $15 off!
Wanakee Hill, NDTraditional Naturopath, Author & Owner of The Wellness Well, LLCNatural Health & Holistic
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Kee's Vitiligo Health Tips (c): Winter Skin Care - Caring for Vitiligo in Winter
Winter Skin Care - Caring for Vitiligo in Winter
By Wanakee Hill, ND
Winter temperatures and drying heat present challenges for any skin. It is an especially trying time of year for those with vitiligo.
Skin is a living, breathing organ that needs feeding. All natural skin care is important to skin health and very necessary for vitiligo skin.
I recommend starting with good quality soap with all natural ingredients that are shown to help heal vitiligo. The blackseed and honey soap as well as the hemp and neem soap that I recommend to all clients are examples of soaps that cleanse and hydrate the skin, while discouraging inflammation and bacteria. These soaps are a good choice for vitiligo skin, dry skin or any type of inflamed skin, especially in the winter.
Hyrdation is very important to winter skin and very important to vitiligo. Vitiligo Herbal Skin Cream Extra Strength provides nutrients, enzymes, anti-inflammatory agents and herbal psoralens that encourage re-pigmentation while quelling inflammatory responses that encourage vitiligo to spread and inflammation inducing agents to build up on the inner and outer layers of skin. Vitiligo Herbal Skin Cream is rich in healing emollients in a creamy lotion that helps to protect vitiligo skin from the damaging effects of winter weather and drying indoor heat.
Hydration from the inside is equally important to healthful skin and to encourage healing vitiligo. Water, with a twist of lemon or lime, throughout the day, encourage the thyroid and entire metabolic system to function properly. Water hydrates the layers of skin from the inside out. It cleans the system of toxins and debris, while encouraging the healthful flow of blood and lymph fluid.
Supplements are also important to healthful winter skin. My herbal regimen encourages re-pigmentation in vitiligo. I recommend daily supplementation with picrorrhiza, phyllanthus and holy basil, to encourage balance in all internal organs, and to promote re-pigmentation in all vitiligo patches, in addition to keeping skin healthful throughout the winter. The nutritional value of these supplements are immense and specific to the needs of those with skin ailments, such as vitiligo. Keeping the immune system running smoothly and efficiently with supplements lessen the harsh effects of winter on skin, and especially on vitiligo skin.
This winter, take good care of your skin, inside and out, with the nature based skin regimen recommended in my book, Wanakee’s Nutritional Approach to Vitiligo & Other Autoimmune Diseases.
For more information on winter skin care for vitiligo, visit
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Friday specials and deals
Vitiligo VsigIntroductory Friday Special starts today! In addition to the extra 3% sale already included in the prices, we're starting our FRIDAY Specials, offering a bottle of vitiligo herbal skin cream for less than $50!!! Coupon code: cream Good for $15 off any order with vitiligo cream, including kits.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Black Friday Madness Sale Begins Thanksgiving Day!
Our best sale of the year. No coupon code necessary. An extra 10% off every item, plus a free gift with every order.
Stock up on your favorite products at the incredibly low prices this holiday weekend. Our Black Friday Sale starts right now and continues for the next 3 days!
Get your extra savings, plus a free gift! Happy Holidays!!!
Give your liver a thorough cleanse and tone with the Dynamic Duo, at an incredibly low price with an extra 10% off during Black Friday Madness:
Help all those heavy holiday calories metabolize efficiently, as they turn into usable energy instead of fat, while cleansing and toning the entire body, removing viruses, disease, fat and toxins.
Wanakee Hill, NDTraditional Naturopath, Author & Owner of The Wellness Well, LLCNatural Health & Holistic
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Dynamic Duo -- Liver Cleansing & Toning Herbals Phyllanthus & Picrorrhiza
Friday, October 22, 2010
Is fat making you sick?

Toxins interfere with thyroid function. Thyroid function is directly related to vitiligo. Detoxifying to rid the body of stored toxins helps to remove thyroid suppressing toxins. A well functioning thyroid is shown to help stop the spreading of vitiligo. I recommend a detoxifying cleanse and daily detoxifying herbs to encourage a healthy thyroid, endocrine system, blood, lymph and healthful organs, which all help to heal vitiligo and prevent the spreading of the disease. Toxins store in fatty tissue and in the liver. I recommend cleansing the liver of toxins with my detoxifying liver cleanse and defense kit. For those who are overweight, I also recommend using the 15 day diet cleanse and flush to release those toxins stored in fat and usher them out of the body to promote healing. Both kits are available at I am detoxifying with both kits simultaneously to remove congestion from my liver to promote digestion and general health, along with the fat flush to remove excess fat and toxins from body to encourage healing through the fall and winter seasons, when we tend to consume heavier foods.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Vitiligo Pigment Boosting Kit! Super Buy!

Our exclusive Wellness Well tote bag is included in this incredible value packed kit. It is our Super Buy for those who want to jumpstart pigment or those who want to ensure their progress continues throughout the fall and winter months, when UV rays are less potent.
This is the most encompassing regimen for vitiligo. It has products to help cleanse and purify the blood, lymph, cells and digestive tract. It helps to metabolize protein, sugars and carbhohydrates, to aid absorption and to burn excess fatty tissue, where toxins store.
An aggressive regimen that has a holistic effect on every system in the body and an equally aggressive regimen to apply directly on the skin.
Vitiligo Pigment Boosting Kit is highly recommended for those beginning their vitiligo healing regimen and for those who are already on their healing journey.
A $199 value, specially priced at $149.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Kee's Vitiligo Health Tips (c): Spider bite was no delight! Vitiligo Treatment Rev...
Spider bite was no delight! Vitiligo Treatment Revelation!
I recently had the displeasure of the misery of the brown recluse spider bite. It was a nasty and painful experience. Researching ways to remove the toxic venom, prevent further tissue damage and facilitate healing, I found many gems that help to facilitate faster healing in vitiligo and other autoimmune diseases.
One such healer is Tulsi, an Auyervedic herb that is commonly called holy basil. I dress my spider wounds daily with holy basil and lavender. My healing is still underway, and I still have stained bandages where the powerful healing herbs are drawing inflammation from the wounds.
Tulsi, or holy basil is an impressive herb. Not only am I using the herb on my wounds, I am taking the herb internally to facilitate healing, prevent infection and to purify my blood of the toxins and venoms that accompany a poisonous spider bite.
The more I researched tulsi, the more I realized this one herb is tailor made for healing vitiligo. If you’ve read my book, Wanakee’s Nutritional Approach to Vitiligo & Other Autoimmune Diseases, you know that vitiligo sufferers tend to have a malfunctioning thyroid, slow metabolism, faulty digestion, malabsorption, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, problems digesting proteins, carbohydrates and fats, liver and pancreas congestion, along with other endocrine problems, stress and of course, skin problems.
This one herb is shown to aid all of these maladies. Yes, all! I recommend Tulsi daily, in addition to picrorrhiza, to heal vitiligo from the inside and directly on the skin to facilitate rapid re-pigmentation to the skin. The aromatic effects are so therapeutic, I love going to bed and smelling the tulsi and lavender mix on my arm, as I meditate before sleep.
The Vitiligo Rapid Re-Pigmentation Kit introduces holy basil, or tulsi to your inner body, while the new Vitiligo Winter Pigment Boosting Kit that debuts very soon, will have a vitiligo essential oil blend that includes tulsi and other powerful essential oils shown to facilitate pigment in white patches. This blend of oils is brushed directly onto all white areas, just before using the cream, to maximize color returning as we head into the weaker sun months of fall and winter.
The Winter Pigment Boosting Kit will also have homeopathic Ruta Grav in the therapeutic CM dose, which works at the cellular level to correct vitiligo and encourage pigmentation. Ruta Grav is used for pain and trauma to the skin. This is another part of the spider bite regimen that helps me to heal faster, as well as boosting color in my vitiligo patches, though I was not getting much sun while on bed rest.
I am also introducing a new soap in the Winter Pigment Boosting Kit that will help to facilitate faster pigmenting. Its base is hemp, which is rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, along with neem and other vitiligo healing herbs.
Working on this new kit and revamping the Vitiligo Rapid Re-Pigmentation Kit are the gifts of knowledge gained in researching ridding my body of the venom and toxins from the dreadful brown recluse spider. I’m grateful that something very exciting and healing came from such a traumatic experience.
The newly revised Vitiligo Rapid Re-Pigmentation Kit is available now! The Winter Pigment Boosting Kit is coming soon!
Please use the coupon code surprise with your purchase of the Vitiligo Rapid Re-Pigmenting Kit to reserve a special gift when you purchase the Winter Pigment Boosting Kit that is available later this month.
Benefits the cardiovascular and circulatory system -- heart, blood, circulation, shown to normalize blood pressure, prevent strokes and heart attacks, thin blood, lower cholesterol. Benefits the digestive system – stomach, intestines, pancreas, liver and esophagus, shown to support and protect the liver, normalize blood sugar, insulin and glucose, protects lipids from oxidation, heals ulcers, expels worms, prevents heartburn, bloating, indigestion, gas, diarrhea, and other digestive maladies. Benefits the endocrine system – thyroid, parathyroid, pituitary, adrenal, thymus, pineal, pancreas, testes and ovaries, shown to strengthen the immune system and immune response, increase T cell activity, reduce inflammation, inhibit histamine related allergic reactions, reduce viral illnesses, including hepatitis, AIDS, encephalitis and cancer, lower oxidative stress, antibiotic protection, relieve herpes viral infections and pyorrhea, reduce the effects of aging. Benefits the skin, reducing eczema, staph, leprosy vitiligo, and other skin infections, antifungal and antibacterial, returning elasticity to the skin and removing wrinkles. Also works to improve the muscular system, nervous system, reproductive system, urinary system and respiratory system. Tulsi promotes holistic health, protects against cancer, radiation and chemotherapy, stress and malabsorption that leads to chronic diseases such as vitiligo.
From the Maimes Report on Holy Basil.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
A healing crisis

Monday, September 13, 2010
Stimulating Pigment when vitiligo progress is slow
Stimulating Pigment when vitiligo progress is slow
Our bodies go through periods of healing and rest. Sometimes, we may see little to no progress, though we are actively working to regain color. Sometimes, we may see rapid
progress followed by periods of very slow progress. The healing cycle has its ebbs and flows. Learning the patterns of your healing cycle and working with them is one of the tools to encourage pigmentation, even during the slow cycles.
Taking pictures is one of the true ways to gauge success. When you’re looking at your skin every single day, it is hard to see the subtle changes that happen. However, if you’re snapping pictures bi-weekly or monthly, you may notice a lot of changes that are not as apparent when you’re looking at the gradual changes daily.
If you’re working on your skin and not seeing the results you want, I recommend pumping it up. If you’re only using Vitligo Herbal Skin Cream at night when you‘re sleeping, start using it again during the day after showering when the skin is still moist.
Try to get 30 minutes of sunshine or just get outside, even on cloudy or overcast days, with a thin layer of cream on just before sun therapy.
This always works for me. I get into a slow cycle, then pump up the use of the cream and sun exposure to ensure my skin has the outer nutrients it needs to gain color.
Another important part of this equation is to ensure you’re getting enough enzymes, vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients and psoralens in foods. This bathing the inside with vitiligo healing nutrients is equally important as cream on the outside of the skin.
The vitiligo rapid re-pigmenting kit is very useful during times of little or no progress. It helps to stimulate color and it helps to ensure the insides are working to heal the melanocytes as well as to nourish the cleanse the body.
This regimen is easy to implement and will do wonders for your vitiligo. Kee, ND
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Fall/Winter Vitiligo Regimen
Many of us put our skin on the back burner when we get into the fall and winter seasons. These are important seasons for an aggressive vitiligo regimen. Since the sun is not as strong and the layers of clothing make it much more difficult to absorb natural UV light and vitamin D 3, the focus on an aggressive vitiligo regimen becomes even more important.
I recommend the liver cleansing detox as a first line of defense against spreading and regaining color. I also recommend using picrorrhiza daily, along with Vitiligo Herbal Skin Cream morning, afternoon and at night.
This aggressive regimen encourages the cells to continue to heal so that they are capable of producing natural skin color.
It also enables the melanocytes to harness energy from the weaker sunshine that we are absorbing in these colder months.
Eating foods that are heavier would include adding soups to the diet. Pumpkin, squash, carrot, cauliflower, broccoli and other soup recipes for the fruits or vegetables that are harvested in fall and winter months are highly recommended.
This regimen is highly focused on dense nutrition, an aggressive re-pigmenting regimen, detoxification and a bit of meditation where we focus our minds on the white areas of our bodies, and mentally coloring in the white areas with a crayon or pen that is exactly in our natural tone.
Bringing together mind, body and spirit throughout the fall and winter will enable us to unveil newly pigmented skin in the spring, as we peel off the layers of clothing and embrace the natural sunshine that will respond beautifully to all the hard work we've done on our vitiligo all fall and winter long.
I recommend the Rapid Re-pigmenting Kit, Detoxification Kit and daily sunshine, even when it's cold, snowy or overcast, for pigmentation during winter and fall.
Our specials this fall include a free 200ml bottle of vitiligo herbal skin cream when purchasing the Fall/Winter 5 pack. This offer will ensure enough skin cream to last until the early signs of spring! Happy Re-pigmenting!Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
Kee's Vitiligo Health Tips (c): Weston's 5 week progress report
Weston's 5 week progress report

Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Vitiligo, Digestion, The Liver, and Malabsorption

People with vitiligo tend to have malfunctioning thyroids and low stomach acid, which leads to liver congestion. Liver congestion leads to mal-absorption, where food breaks down slowly and incompletely, if at all. These sluggish metabolism issues lead to poor digestion which is associated with vitamin, mineral, enzyme and other deficiencies that encourage the spreading of vitiligo and inhibit the healing process.
Cleansing the liver daily with the right foods is beneficial to vitiligo; however, at least twice a year, I recommend a thorough vitiligo healing cleanse:
The Wellness Well Natural Health & Vitiligo Newsletter
Vitiligo Re-Pigmenting Total Body DETOXIFICATION Program
$29.98 for your personalized kit * may not include the kit shown
Detoxification Kit & Cream Special $94.98
Improves digestion and nutrient absorption
Removes toxins, parasites and free radicals that hinder healing
Encourages the immune system to calm down and lowers inflammation
Activates dormant (white) melanocytes, removes congestion in organs, cleanses the blood, lymph fluid, and nourishes cells and tissue to encourage faster healing
Helps to stop the spreading of vitiligo and to encourage pigmentation
Balances the immune system to encourage it to stop attacking the body and start healing the body
Restores good intestinal flora so that nutrients are absorbed properly and to rid the body of deficiencies
Includes a customized Detoxification Kit
*Kit specific to your needs, based on diet history, questionnaire and my recommendations.
Parasite and colon cleansing tea
Wu-Yi Tea
Pre-Cleanse recommendations
Shopping List
Blog Registration and Participation
Free Consultations
Consultations are free throughout the healing process for vitiligo and related programs. 817 296 2829
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Sunless Vitiligo Treatment
by wanakee on Tuesday, August 17th, 2010
August is the last full month of summer. The days are noticably shorter as we head toward September's cooler temperatures and less intense sun.
It is important to continue the vitiligo regimen, encouraging pigmentation while taking advantage of the strong sun. As we head into fall, the regimen is equally important. Our bodies heal from the inside out. The skin is the body's largest detoxifying organ. What is inside our bodies usually shows up on the skin. A healthy inside usually manifests as healthful, glowing skin.
The Rapid Repigmenting Kit is important for total vitiligo care, inside and out during the sunny season and especially in the cooler seasons, when the sun is less intense.
Continue your regimen throughout this month for optimum sun healing absorption, as well as to take advantage of the less intense rays in the coming months and seasons.
The foods that are ripe and in season now are optimum for healing. Vitiligo responds well to fruits, vegetables and nuts because these foods are filled with many healing substances that those with vitiligo are lacking.
Make sure that your body is fed inside and out as we put summer to rest and head into the fall harvest. Harvest all of the healing powers of the foods, supplements and Vitiligo Herbal Skin Cream, to encourage every layer of skin to heal the melanocytes and produce permanent color.
Wanakee Hill, ND
Friday, August 6, 2010
Vitiligo Treatment - Vitiligo Cure
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Vitiligo Spotlight is on Ogo

Vitiligo Spotlight!
Wanakee Hill, ND, editor puts the Vitiligo Spotlight! on Ogo Maduewesi
Ogo works tirelessly to promote vitiligo awareness in Africa and around the world.
Ogo, in her own words:
Living Positively with Vitiligo
I welcome you all to Positive Attitude to life especially as it concerns us women and our approach to it all. Till you experience it or find yourself in a helpless situation where no-one can help, you wouldn’t feel or understand how hard it can be for one to struggle to live positively in the midst of trials, challenges & difficulties such as Vitiligo.
‘Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% what you make of it’ I am starting with my life experience and having been in contact with persons going through some sort of depression and low self esteem. I have a skin condition called Vitiligo, a very disfiguring devastating condition one can come down with, where your appearance is being threatened with no solid help in a world where physical appearance is being celebrated more than anything.
I am talking about Vitiligo because that’s one great challenge I had with my attitude and approach to life. I started thinking about what bothered me most about having Vitiligo at a point precisely in 2006, after all, it is more of a cosmetic problem than anything else. Why worry about what other people think? When it has not changed who I am and the way God sees you who look at the heart and not the physical. Vitiligo may have knocked us down but it hasn’t knocked us out!
I just made up my mind to stop thinking of Vitiligo, what people think or how they react. I realized I have enough potential willpower to do that if I really want to. When you are in control of your mind, you can have control over what gets you down or affects you. We do not fully comprehend what we can do with our emotions, when we control them, we have willpower. When they control us the results are often disastrous.Vitiligo is not what I brought on myself; there is neither known cause nor cure let alone prevention. I prayed depressive thoughts out of my mind and started attacking the problem constructively.Please understand with me, stare, and comments (no matter how spiteful or unfriendly); does not leave a puncture on anyone. Hear what you want to hear and digest that which you choose to digestI came to a place in which I realized that I had to live with Vitiligo (though I believed from the first day that it’s temporal). I thought that if anyone has a problem with the way I look, then that is their problem, not mine as Vitiligo is not what I brought on myself. I never bothered about people that walked out of my life because of Vitiligo. I saw people looking at me in horror or disgust as persons having bigger problems than I will ever have.
Beauty queens, celebrities and Stars are all at some point in their life being rejected equally, its not so much about what the society expects one to live or act like that matters, but accepting you for you, being true to you, living right and not trying to live to please people’s expectation of or struggle to please all.
I learnt to do what make me happy, wear what I am comfortable in and really suits, go out to any place I wish, I started dictating for Vitiligo as it used to dictate to me when to go, what to wear, where to go, etc. IT WORKED!
I learnt to Love and Accept myself for me. What people think or feel about my look is the least of my worries now, I thank God I have something am doing that is keeping me busy and my mind occupied always. The truth is that I don’t remember Vitiligo often these days, am just concerned about majority out there living with this condition who is really finding it hard to live normal life especially the women.
I have learnt that Self Acceptance is key! Can you give what you don’t have? I have accepted me for me and what I give and present is the accepted me. If I give the rejected me people will still receive me as I have presented me. Can’t possibly worry myself anymore about what the next persons thinks about my look, funny enough I may just be far healthier than the person trying to make me uncomfortable with stares & comment.
People’s reaction to my looks is no longer an issue.
Remember that everything in life happens for a reason and that we never really know when the happenings are positive or negative. Sometimes events that are seen as negatives are simply lessons in disguise. Sometimes we need to learn these lessons in order to rise to a higher level of awareness.Life is tough (full of ups and down), no doubt about that, but no toughness can be as tough as genuine hope. One of the toughest things in the world is a mind filled with hope and that we need more than any other!
I have talked about Vitiligo and me here, you maybe going through some kind of challenges that is affecting your attitude negatively; one thing I will leave you with is that nothing can bring you down without your permission!
There is always a positive & negative side to that situation; you have the right to choose…..
I saw it from the Positive angle! I just learnt, how about you?
Hope this helps!
Ogo Maduewesi
Ogo MaduewesiFounder/Executive Director Vitiligo Support and Awareness Foundation (VITSAF)+234806 363 8030, +234702 516 5280,
We conquer .........with Positive Attitude
*********************************************************************************** owner and Traditional Naturopath, Wanakee Hill, ND, are committed to educating and informing those with vitiligo with accurate and timely updates about vitiligo.
Wanakee's Nutritional Approach to Vitiligo is a step by step guide to how Wanakee used nutrition to stop the spreading of her own vitiligo, as well as information on returning skin color to vitiligo patches.
Wanakee developed the breakthrough, all-natural Vitiligo Herbal Skin Cream, Extra Strength
that is the most potent and effective topical vitiligo treatment currently on the market.
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The coupon code: OGO will donate 5% of your order to VITSAF
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Vitiligo Rapid Repigmenting Kit
Vitiligo Herbal Skin Cream Extra Strength 200ml
Picrorrhiza Capsules
Neem & Tusli Bar of Soap
Honey & Blackseed Bar of Soap
$99 special Vitiligo Rapid Pigmenting Kit
Vitiligo Herbal Skin Cream is the most potent all-natural topical formula currently on the market. I am a Traditional Naturopath with vitiligo who has researched the disease for more than 30 years. My unique perspective and extensive research led to this pleasant smelling cream that is easily worn day and night as a lotion and under makeup moisturizer.
Picrorrhiza is an herb that I've researched and used for more than 15 years. Its value to those with vitiligo is documented in studies. Picrorrhiza is shown to help reduce the size and number of vitiligo patches, in addition to its powerful liver cleansing properties, Immune B and T cell boosting properties, and its positive effects on asthma, allergies and other health related illnesses.
Neem and blackseed have well documented skin nourishing and healing properties. Bathing in all natural, healthful, Omega 3 rich soaps is an important part of my own regimen, and one that I highly recommend in my book, Wanakee's Nutritional Approach to Vitiligo & Other Autoimmune Diseases.
This combination of soaps, vitiligo cream/lotion replacement and picrorrhiza capsules to help fight vitiligo inside and out, should keep those pigment producing cells well nourished throughout the fall and winter, to potentially faciliate rapid re-pigmenation even when the sun is in its weaker seasons.
For more information, please go to and make sure you follow this blog to stay abreast of the latest breakthroughs in natural healing for vitiligo.
Subscribe to our newsletter and follow this blog for discount codes.
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Friday, July 30, 2010
Kee's Health Tips (c) Iodine & Thyroid Health
Iodine and thyroid health.
As many of you know, vitiligo is closely related to thyroid dysfunction.
Usually, hypothyroidism is a problem for those with vitiligo.
Many cancers are also linked to insufficient amounts of iodine.
It is very important to ensure there is adequate iodine in your diet and regimen.
The standard American diet is usually lacking or deficient in iodine.
Those who consume large amounts of iodized salt and eat lots of iodine rich
sea vegetables and seafood may not need supplementation.
Those whose diets are low in salt, sea veggies and sea food and are high in
bread products may need to supplement iodine. Women who are 40 and older
are very susceptible to hypothyroidism and need to ensure adequate iodine intake.
Some studies show that too much iodine may effect the thyroid and body as
negatively as too little thyroid. Getting the right balance is key.
Breads and other baked goods in the USA were once made with iodine, and there was
sufficient iodine intake at that time; however, bromine has replaced iodine in breads
and baked goods. Not only is the American diet now lacking sufficient iodine,
the bromine in baked goods and breads actually blocks absorption of iodine.
I recommend supplementing iodine for those with vitiligo whose diets do not include
iodized salt, seafood and seaweeds. I usually recommend starting with half an
Iodoral caplet every other day, for nutritional purposes. Performing the iodine test
with liquid iodine to ensure an adequate amount of iodine is supplemented without
going overboard. It is a good idea to ask your doctor to monitor your iodine levels
during blood work for physicals.
Iodine Self-Test:
Paint some liquid iodine onto one of your biceps and watch it for up to 6 hours.
If the iodine absorbs into the skin quickly, there is likely a severe iodine deficiency.
If the iodine remains on the bicep for 6 hours, chances are, there is adequate iodine intake.
Iodine is best taken in a protein bound formula, such as Iodoral.
Iodoral is available at
References and Recommended Reading:
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