Holiday festivities, rich foods, partying, dehydrating alcoholic beverages, sweets and sodas all contribute to a system that is on overload. To ensure your digestive system is working properly, detoxification and elimination are suggested. Our liver cleansing, toning and healing detox, plus blood purifying holy basil and cleansing herbal tea will help to remove stagnation, improve absorption and purify blood and lymph to help ensure the immune system is balanced and functioning properly.
I recommend cleansing every season, or at least four times per year. Now that Thanksgiving is behind up and more holidays and holy days are upon us, this is the perfect time to cleanse, purify, reflect, meditate and pamper your body, inside and out.
Vitiligo Herbal Body Butter Kit provides the benefits of both vitiligo cream and boosting oil, along with a lymph moving, blood circulating dry brush and skin scrub to give your skin a healthful glow and plenty of nourishment to keep it hydrated in dry winter months, as well as to promote healthy pigmented skin.
Drinking plenty of mineral rich water and healthful herbal teas this holiday season will help to ensure your body is alkaline and to encourage a balanced immune system.
Cheers this holiday season and best wishes for healthy, mono-toned skin, free of blemishes and vitiligo.
Kee, ND