Friday, March 18, 2011

Vitiligo Treatment Pioneer

In the 1990's, I encouraged VSIG members with vitiligo to print my research and take it to their dermatologists to ensure their thyroids were tested. I'm so happy to hear from clients that most doctors now readily test for thyroid dysfunction in those with vitiligo. It is so important to look for the root cause of disease. Vitiligo on the skin comes from dysfunction within the system. It is complex, but pioneers such as the late Dr. Benjamin Sieve first realized that vitiligo is a disease that responds to nutrition, and correcting imbalances within the body. He used B vitamin shots to re-pigment vitiligo patients at The University of Berkeley in the 1950's. His research led me to stop my own vitiligo from spreading, and to begin re-pigmenting my skin. Dr. Benjamin Sieve, a true pioneer in healing vitiligo.

Wanakee Hill, ND
Traditional Naturopath, Author and Developer of Vitiligo Herbal Skin Cream, Extra Strength.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    My mum is suffering from Vitiligo and as I was browsing through the internet I bumped into Dr Sieve's research on As I was further trying to find information about him I came across your blog too. I was wondering if you have his contact details and would really appreciate if you could pass on the same to me. I could help with my mum's vitiligo.
